Food Market

Fruit at a Market Stall

The fruit and vegetable market is the largest sector of the retail food market in China, yet is one of the last to be affected by the development of new retail formats in China. Fruit and vegetable sales still tend to be dominated by the free wet markets, most of which take place in open-air market places or streets, where local farmers supply produce direct from the field to the end consumer.

Imported fruits are also finding its way and distributed through these wet markets and fruit stalls. The retail fruit markets are not only selling to private individuals, but also to companies such as restaurants, which means that the retail market for fruits is often indistinguishable from the wholesale trade, especially when some fruit wholesalers also sell retail.
MLA Citation:
Buying and Selling. Films Media Group, 2004. Films On Demand. Web. 08 December 2011. <>.